Although it was a little longer than nine months, I love my sister's phrase:
"Nine months in, nine months out!"
These little guys are growing like crazy, and we're loving every minute of it.
9 Month Well Visit Stats:
Weight: 21 lbs 10 oz - 78th percentile
Height: 28 in. 25th percentile
Head circumference: 45.7 cm 65th percentile
Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz - 54th percentile
Height: 27.4 in. 10th percentile
Head Circumference: 46.7 cm 88th percentile
Waiting patiently to see Dr. S for our 9 month well visit
Showing off his waving skills
"What?!? I can't hear you."
"Why does she have to make us do this every month?"