Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mylicon To The Rescue!

Last night was our first bout of what most people refer to as "colic."  I think it was just an upset tummy.  Around 9pm, Reid became inconsolable.  If I wasn't feeding him, he was crying.  Thankfully, it didn't last long once we realized that a combination of bicycle legs, a pacifier, and the amazing Mylicon drops seemed to soothe the little guy.  Many thanks go out to my cousin Penny and my bestie BrandyLee for sharing all their secrets to soothe an upset baby.

Jeff and I think the culprit might have been the In-N-Out burger I had earlier that day.  Way too much sodium!  I guess we'll be staying away from that fast food restaurant for a while.  I actually have no problem with that as Dallas is loaded with wonderful burger joints that I think happen to be tastier than the California wonder of In-N-Out burger.

Just say NO!

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