As far as Reid was concerned, his 2nd birthday party at the Frontiers of Flight Museum was a HIT!
The smile on his face in many of these pictures confirms it.
The awesome wooden airplane belonged to Jeff when he was just a lad...thanks JoJo!
Our trusty videographer...thanks Uncle Tony!
Twin-littles' first birthday party to attend
Reid's note to all his guests. He wanted to keep his new baby brothers as healthy as possible!
Parker liked the snacks
Stay away GERMS, or suffer the wrath of Grandma DeeDee! ;)
Precious Ella...
...and her twin brother, Wells (who Reid kept hugging!).
Our attempt at a group shot (minus a few of our little guests)
The look on Reid's face is a result of his distaste for the wax candle he tried to eat.
Mmmm birthday cake!
Two mommies & daddies-to-be!
Gabriel & his parents
Our little jumper!
More hugs! Melts. My. Heart.
Good form!
Not sure what they're discussing, but they have the same hand gestures. Hmmm.
Brazeal fam...Superman doesn't have time for photo ops!
The Drake Boys
LOVE my sweet TWO year old!