Sunday, June 14, 2015
Happy 4th Birthday, Reid!
Reid had an afternoon filled with new adventures to celebrate turning 4.
First stop - lunch at Highland Park Soda Fountain.
"Are you three years old today, Reid?"
Love those freckles!
If you can't be silly on your birthday, when can you be silly?!?!
Trading sweets with Grandpa Lou.
Next stop: Froggies 5 & 10 for a birthday surprise.
As we walked by this window, Reid saw the giraffe and shouted, "That's what Poppy gave me!" Then he asked, "Why did Poppy give that to me?" And before anyone could provide an answer, he said, "Because he loves me."
Final stop: Uptown Trolley for his first ever ride.
Window seat for sure.
When we got home and the babies woke from their naps, we paused from our Reid celebrations for a bit to honor the American Flag on Flag Day.
The boys all wanted to wear their birthday shirts and their new (fast!) shoes from Gruncle Joe to school on Monday.