Sunday, March 4, 2012

And We're Up

I went on a quick errand today during Reid's afternoon nap, and I truly thought this was a staged photo when I received it via text from Jeff.

I'm sad to report that it was not staged.  Upon waking from his nap, our little warrior did, in fact, pull himself up in his crib.

When I returned home, Jeff had done the unthinkable - he lowered the crib mattress! Are we really to that stage already?!?!  If anyone has figured out a technique for slowing down time, please give me a call.

Will Work For Food Time.

The case of the missing pacifiers:  SOLVED!
{he does this at school too with his paci & his socks}



Hope said...

Michelle !! You are sooo cute. I love the way you film every change in Reid's life. I never expected less from you, I love you for this this, I enjoy being able to see darling Reid so active.Love you both., Nana

Grandma DeeDee said...

Life is so good, and family only makes it better, especially with such a cute warrior to watch. Can't wait to count the teeth marks on the crib. Hugs and Kisses.