This was our first Halloween in our "new" hood, so I was a little unsure how much candy to buy for the trick-or-treaters. Despite the word from a few neighbors that we don't get much traffic on this evening, I went ahead and bought as much as I always do...a TON!
I'm so glad I did! After an early trick-or-treat venture with our little spider, we headed back home to get ready for our little (and not-so-little) Halloween visitors. I'm happy to report that we had a fabulous turn out all the way up until 9:15 pm (when we decided it was time to turn out the lights).
Here we go!
One of our very friendly neighbor's dogs (Stan & Alice brought us a delish PIE when we first moved in!).
Reid loves their pup, Lucy! Lucy's feelings toward Reid....uhhhh, let's just say they don't share the same sentiments (with or without the scary spider costume). :)
Reid's new friend from down the street, Superman (aka. Clay).

I see the young warrior, did the new "hood" up in style, wowing the neighbors, No fear, good job Reid. Glad you had a wonderful Halloween. Hugs and Kisses.
Oh my gosh - cutie!!! I love your street, too! SO beautiful with all of those trees! Looks like y'all had a great time - hope to see you soon, Ms. Michelle! :)
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